Δευτέρα 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

The Amazing Spelt Berries

Ahh... the spelt berries! A long long time ago, before people started crossbreeding grain varieties to end up having monocultures of one type of wheat (the most efficient one yield-wise), there were many different types of grains, each offering different kinds of nutrients. Spelt is one of the few survivors of the wheat craze. As written on  http://whfoods.org/  (don't pay attention to this scary George guy) " it offers a broader spectrum of nutrients compared to many of its more inbred cousins in the Triticum (wheat) family. Spelt features a host of different nutrients. It is an excellent source of manganese, and a good source of protein, copper, and zinc". Sounds interesting, no?
Spelt does contain gluten, so if you have Celiac disease, don't try it, but people with mild gluten intolerance might find that they can actually handle spelt.
But first things first. Where can you find it? I do not know. I buy it from the local health food store packaged but I am quite sure you can also buy it online or buy it in bulk even. You can use it in different ways: boil the spelt berries or make flour out of them.

So, what did I do with them? I followed the package directions on how to prepare the basic ingredients of my (improvised) recipe. The package suggested to leave the berries to soak in warm water for three hours. I left them overnight, just to be sure. Then I put tons of water in a pot with the berries, brought them to boil and let them simmer for one hour (I am using a gas stove and I used low temperature, but you might have to adapt this if you are using a standard student housing heating stove).  And then, I added stuff.
Ingredients (for 2-approximately):
-two cups of spelt berries,boiled
-one big zucchini
-one bell pepper
-fresh parsley
-a piece of a ginger root (you know how spicy you want things)
-one or two oranges (you will need the juice)
-salt and pepper
-olive oil (by the way, it's the only oil I use, so do not expect many surprises oil-wise)
Now, take the zucchini, slice it as thinly as you can and cut the bell pepper in small cubes. Also slice the ginger root in thiiiin slices. Put a bit of olive oil in the pan and stir around all the vegetable stuff until it looks somewhat cooked. You do not want to over-do it and kill all the vitamins though. It should take around 5 minutes to cook (that's why we sliced everything). It's high time you put the orange juice in! If I had any sesame seeds, I would also add them in this step. Salt, pepper, paprika, cayenne, whatever you prefer in terms of spiciness. Done. Just put the spelt berries in two nice bowls, add on top the orange-vegetable mixture, chop the parsley, put on top. Enjoy.
Parsley, by the way, is considered anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory ant anti- in general in a good sense. It also boosts the immune system and the heart and is rich in vitamin K. Also, you can grow it in a small pot by your window seal. If I can do that, everyone can. Seriously.

2 σχόλια:

  1. ρε στο γκουγκλ τρανσλέιτορ μου λέει "όλυρα μούρα" τα spelt berries..όντως έτσι να τα ψάξω? λίγο κουλό όνομα μου φαίνεται :Ρ

  2. χαχαχα όχι όχι, είναι σπόροι από ένα είδος σιταριού με λιγότερη γλουτένη. Δεν νομίζω ότι στα ελληνικά έχουν συγκεκριμένο όνομα (σίγουρα κάτι θα χουν, αλλά πρέπει να ρωτήσεις καμιά γιαγιά, δείχνοντάς της την εικόνα)
