Σάββατο 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Rich Asparagus Mushroom Coconut Soup

I really love asparagus. They are supposed to be aphrodisiac, but I guess this is all because of their phallic shape. Today, as I was reading Barbara Kingslover's "Animal, Vegetable. Miracle" I found out that they are "one of the best sources of folic acid, vitamins A, C, and K, some B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, and glutathione, which is a potent antioxidant and carcinogen.". We already had a bunch in the fridge, so I decided to do something with them. I roasted them in the oven with some mushrooms and we ate them for lunch with a sauce made of all the juices of the baking tray, mixed with some Greek yogurt, salt and pepper. I admit that the juices were not just water from the vegetables but also a liiiiittle bit of olive oil, with which I had coated the baking tray.
But, in order to prepare asparagus, you have to cut (basically just snap) their bottom part, which is hard and full of fibers. But I did not want to waste it, so I decided to make some vegetable stock with it, which turned out into a fabulous soup. I have a certain reason to be proud about it, but I will come back to it later. Now, gather the ingredients:
-a bunch of asparagus (the hard part you would throw away - make a nice egg-white only omelet with the nice, tender part, it's great)
-one big onion
-two-three garlic cloves
-a handful of chopped mushrooms
-some coconut cream or the condensed version of it or coconut milk
-salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, paprika, turmeric (depends on your spicy-ness preference)
-two spoonfuls of butter/ margarine
-3 eggs
-2 lemons
Now, fill your pot with water, throw in the vegetables, bring to boil. Lower the temperature and let them simmer for... I don't know.. should we say one hour? The idea is that all the vegetable tastes passes to the water. Yes, we kind of kill all the nutrients this way, but some times a girl has to do what a girl has to do. Let's not forget that my first intention was to make a vegetable stock, so it was about taste. And that's how you get all the taste. Check every now and then the amount of fluid and add a bit if needed. When the pot is only half full (keep the lid on during the simmering otherwise it will happen too fast) take all the vegetables out of the fluid that we once called water and put them in the blender with just one third of the cup of water (so that the blender does not have a hard time). Blend them until they are a smooth pulp. But the pulp back in the pot and turn the heat a bit higher. Add the coconut, the butter and the spices. Stir with a spoon so that the pulp and the fluid mix well.
And now, the part that made me proud. In Greece we have this egg and lemon based sauce that we call avgolemeno. I am amazed to see there is an English article in wikipedia about it. So, this sauce requires persistent beating of eggs until the become a light pink smooth cream. Good, old housewives could do it using a fork. I tried twice, but it was never beaten well enough and when I added it to my soups, the egg white just baked, forming ugly, tiny clots. A bit like a baby's vomit. But now, I have my mighty blender! So what did I do? I put the 3 eggs in the blender with the juice of the two lemons. You can put even more lemon juice, if you like sour stuff. Then, I blended like it was my last chance to blend in this lifetime. And then, the tricky part comes in: in order to avoid the baby vomit effect, you have to take a cup of the hot soup and put each time one spoonful of it in the blender, then immediately blend. You keep adding spoonfuls and blending until the cup of soup is empty and the sauce has a warm temperature. Then, it is good to go into the pot, with the rest of the soup. You pour it slowly in and stir with your spoon. And it becomes a velvety, foamy heavenly soup! It was my personal victory on avgolemeno, which basically means that I am as of now a qualified Mediterranean cook (NOT).
Then, since on the picture you just see an off-white soup, I added some fresh green onions on top in a ridiculous food styling attempt. They suited the soup flavor though and  they do grow on our window seal, so I had to honor them somehow.

3 σχόλια:

  1. χαχαχαχα πεθαίνω με το baby's vomit και με το ριντικιουλους φουντ στάιλινγκ :Ρ ο ντάντυ αμ ιν λοβ γουιδ γιορ ράιτινγκ!

    το αυγολέμονο στη wiki στα αγγλικά?μα τι συγκίνηση,είμαι εθνικά περήφανη.

    για το μπέιμπυ βόμιτ εφέκτ νομίζω πως φταίει καθαρά η θερμοκρασία που στερεοποιεί το αυγό..αλλά αφού βρήκες λύση,όλα καλά :)

    καθαροδευτεριάτικα και λαγανάτα φιλιά!
    Δεν έφαγα λαγάνα ακόμα,αλλά εμπιστεύομαι τις επιλογές τις γιαγιάς :*

  2. πόσο πολύ μου αρέσει που με διαβάζεις! όταν τα παρατήσω όλα για να γίνω διάσημη φούντ μπλόγκερ και βγάλω στα καπάκια και βιβλίο, να ξέρεις, θα σε ευχαριστήσω επισήμως. Στον πρόλογο, όχι τελευταία σελίδα, μετά το γλωσσάρι και τέτοιες παπαριές.

  3. χιχι και δε θα'σαι και σαν το julie and julia που η άλλη ήθελε φήμη στην πλάτη αλληνής,όοοοχι αγάπη μου! είσαι οριτζινάλιτυ :*
